Mecklenburg County
Addresses Violence as a Public Health Issue
7, 2023) Tracie Campbell, Senior Health Manager with the Mecklenburg
County Office of Violence Prevention, gave a presentation on The
Community Violence Strategic Plan - The Way Forward at the Steele
Creek Residents Association Annual Meeting on February 23.
Violence is one of
the most significant health problems in the United States not only
because of death and injury, but also because of the harm, fear, and
trauma caused to families and communities. It leads to a broad range
of physical and mental health problems that disproportionately
impact children, youth, and communities of color.
violence as a public health issue means identifying the root causes
of this epidemic and using data, tools, and evidence-informed best
practices to address those causes.
For more information, see
Mecklenburg County Office of Violence Prevention.
The following is the
presentation from the Steele Creek Residents Association meeting:
