Proctors for State Tests Needed at Local Schools
2017) Local
elementary, middle, and high schools need proctors to assist in
administering the End of Grade and End of Course tests beginning in
late May. (See the flyer for Southwest Middle School to the right.)
The North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction Testing Code of Ethics requires that proctors be
present to serve as additional monitors to help the teachers assure
that testing occurs fairly and to help maintain a positive and
orderly testing environment.
Those interested in serving as a proctor will
need to register as CMS volunteers online at if not already
registered. Individuals will undergo a
criminal-background check during the registration process. Volunteers should
also contact the school(s)
they would like to serve as a proctor. Persons already registered as
CMS volunteers also need to make arrangements with the school(s)
they wish to serve as a proctor.
Please contact
your local CMS school AS SOON
AS POSSIBLE to let them know
of your availability or for further information.
Schools are in dire
need of volunteers during End of Year Testing. Southwest Middle
School needs 80 volunteers each day of testing. For Souhwest Middle
School, you can sign up at
Contact information
is on each school's web site, linked below.
See the
CMS Volunteers and Partners web page for more information
about volunteer opportunities at local schools. Or contact Ana
Brown, the district volunteer coordinator at 980-343-0474 or
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