Wants Controls on Residential Development
The Charlotte Observer has reported that the Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Planning Commission has agreed to work with the Charlotte-Douglas
Airport officials to limit new residential development within
airport noise zones. The airport has been insulating nearby homes
for noise or buying owners out for years, and officials wish to
avoid future noise complaints that would result from addidtional
residential development. More residential development might also
hinder future airport expansion.
If zoning changes occur, the area north of Griers Fork towards the
airport would see less residential development and more commercial
or industrial projects that would benefit from having the airport
conveniently accessable and are not as adversely affected by the
noise as residents are.
Griers Fork residents routinely see and hear airplanes pass over,
but Griers Fork is south of the area that experiences particularly
loud noise. However, several new developments are under construction
along Sandy Porter Road and Shopton Road that are within noise
(From the
Griers Fork HOA
website.) |